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  Man-The Universal, the Spiritual, the Superhuman

Man-The Universal, The Spiritual, The Superhuman

by Santi Nath Chattopadhyay

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  The present work deals with the evaluation of the creative and constructive human value, present in Indian tradition and culture in the context of Tagore`s intercultural exploration of Indian thought. The volume examines religion, philosophy and culture as developed in modern contemporary Indian thinker like Rabindranath Tagore in his novel scheme of The Religion of Man as the creative essence of human being with the natural expression of potent Universality in man through his material, mental, social and spiritual states of existence. In the background of this analysis of human nature and existence, Tagore`s model of The Religion of Man as the natural manifestation of universality in his life and existence, examined in the context of critical and comparative study of both Indian and Western Philosophy and Culture. This comprehensive approach expounds the potential universality in human beings in all times and all societies which may be accepted as the evolution of creative humanistic values, in expanding the philosophy of Universal Man as the socio-cultural form of Universal Humanism as a Theory of Creative Man which is to be regarded as the philosophical model of peace in strife – torn world.  The second volume on Man, The Spiritual, under `Trilogy`, is an evaluation of the philosophy of Man in the context of the examination of `Religion` as the basis of Indian culture and tradition. Swami Vivekananda uses the term religion for the natural analysis of internal and external aspects of man in a synthetic form, which, in His observation, develops the creative state of universality with the realization of highest value of `Unity` as it is divine or spiritual in a transcendent-experiential form. ‘Spirituality`, He observes, is not mere transcendentality, but it is the realization of transcendent value of unity in different experiential processes in different degrees. This is purely creative as in one hand it transcends different limitations or contradictions in human existence and is also an experiential process of realizing highest value in reconciling contradictions in unity.  The present work on MAN,THE SUPER HUMAN: A GLOBAL PROSPECT OF EXPOUNDING SRI AUROBINDO`S INTEGRAL VISION OF HUMANITY is a product of a long and serious research, dealing with philosophical, socio-cultural and religious experiences of Sri Aurobindo from a creative humanistic standpoint in the context of developing the universal nature of man as Super Human which relates the ideas of universality and spirituality developed by Swami Vivekananda, Rabindranath, Mahatma Gandhi, Radhakrishnan, and many other contemporary Indian thinkers. The work is very much critical, comparative and reflective in a form of modern evaluation of man and his existence from East – West perspectives. To develop this creative and constructive philosophy of man, the entire book is divided into four chapters with several parts and Introduction, in dealing with the ideas and ideals of Sri Aurobindo as developed in the total programme of the book. Book contains, Preface, Foreword by Dr. G.T.Martin, USA, Introduction, a select Bibliography, Index, Information about other publications by the author and information about the author with scholastic opinion.

ISBN : 9788121213523

Pages : 621
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