The present rambling notes, made during a stay among the Todas, amid the grateful quietude of Paikara on the western Nilgiri plateau, must be regarded as a supplement to the account of this tribe, which was published as his first anthropological essay. Happily the Eurasian, like the English schoolboy, knows his birthday, at least in the majority of cases, and it is possible to group them in regular sequence according to their age. He accordingly publish, with no idea of finality, but as a guide for other possible workers in a useful and practical field of statistical research, the detailed figures relating to 186 Eurasian youths, between the ages of twelve and eighteen, who have come to his laboratory for examination. The book is the product of extensive study of these races. The subject of the book is very illuminating and delicate. There is no statement in the book to which exception may justly be taken. This multi-volume book (originally numbered vol. 4, no. 1) offers erudite observations on: the Todas of the Nilgiris; Eurasian school-boys; Meriah sacrifice post; walking through fire; Malaialis of the Shevaroys; scissor people; sorcery in Coimbatore; and Nayadis of Malabar. This volume has seven plates, and was first published in 1901.
ISBN : 9788121241281
Pages : 100