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  Historical lectures and essays

Historical Lectures And Essays

by Charles Kingsley

  Price : Rs 1650.00
  Your Price : Rs 1204.50
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  About The Book :These lectures were delivered at the Philosophical institution, Edinburgh in February, 1854, at the commencement of the Crimoan War. These Lectures, are altogether crude and fragmentary — how, indeed, could they be otherwise, dealing with so vast a subject, and so long a period of time? They are meant neither as Essays nor as Orations, but simply as a collection of hints to those who may wish to work out the subject for themselves ; and I trust, as giving some glimpses of a central idea, in the light of which the spiritual history of Alexandria, and perhaps of other countries also, may be seen to have in itself a coherence and organic method. Opinion of the many wise men who believe that Europe, and England as an integral part thereof, is on the eve of a revolution, spiritual and political, as vast and awful as that which took place at the Reformation; and that, beneficial as that revolution will doubtless be to the destinies of man- kind in general, it depends upon the wisdom and courage of each nation individually, whether that great deluge shall issue, as the Reformation did, in a fresh outgrowth of European nobleness and strength or usher in, after pitiable confusions and sorrows.

ISBN : 9788121265683

Pages : 412
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