This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. The book contains very detailed table of contents, both in English and Mongolian, necessary linguistic terms explained throughout the book, literal translation for analytical understanding, extensive appendix (suffix list, index, etc.), many example sentences of everyday life, helpful comparison and overview tables, insights in Mongolian cultural heritage, hints for using colloquial language, necessary rules. Mongolian Grammar is recommended for learners and researchers of the Mongolian language and for Mongolians learning English. It also contains nearly all grammar forms appearing in colloquial, current literary and ancient literary language. The book has examples to every grammar form both Cyrillic and classical Uyghur script is handled. Each grammar form has several examples in English and Mongolian in complete sentences, highlighting the grammar. All forms are explained, even the differences between the script used in China and Mongolia, not to mention the ‘ancient’ endings which one could find in historical documents. For studies of Mongolian language it was a great help to understand the grammar forms and it remains helpful for understanding the classical script. One of the highlights of this book is a complete list of the grammar terms in Mongolian, English and German language; also the contents are available in English and Mongolian. That makes this book very helpful for native Mongolian speakers for explaining their language to foreigners.
ISBN : 9788121244060
Pages : 195