In attempting to set down for his readers some account of their travels, the author’s chief difficulty has been one of selection; for they have visited many countries and recollections are abundant. But their tour in the Himalayas stands out as supreme importance. He describes a description of their adventures and vicissitudes among them, the highest mountains of the world. The expedition was undertaken from a general interest in this remarkable region on the confines of the Thibet, rather than from a mere love of climbing mountains of revising maps. The experiences of this Dutchman while he was touring the Kinnaur district for four months in the year 1925 in the Himalayas state of Himachal Pradesh. It is an easy read that focuses on the experiences and observation of the author. The author gives notes on the route he took, of the people he met, of their rituals that he saw, of the temples that he visited etc.
ISBN : 9788121234047
Pages : 267