The author has made a good attempt to write Essays on the Religion and Philosophy of the Hindus to explore new avenues. In the early progress of researches into Indian literature, it was doubted whether the Vedas were extant; or, if portions of them were still preserved, whether any person, however learned in other respects, might be capable of understanding their obsolete dialect. It was believed too, that, if a Brahmana really possessed the Indian scriptures, his religious prejudices would nevertheless prevent his imparting the holy knowledge to any but a regenerate Hindu. These notions, supported by popular tales, were cherished long after the Vedas had been communicated to da`ra` shucoh , and parts of them translated into the Persian language by him, or for his use. The doubts were not finally abandoned, until Colonel polier obtained from Jeyepur a transcript of what purported to be a complete copy of the Vedas, and which he deposited in the British Museum. About the same time Sir Kobert chambers collected at Benares numerous fragments of the Indian scripture: He has been still more fortunate in collecting at Benares the text and commentary of a large portion of these celebrated books; and, without waiting to examine them more completely, than has been yet practicable, he will here attempt to give a brief explanation of what they chiefly contain. This book was originally published in 28th February, 2019.
ISBN : 9788121225007
Pages : 333