This book is the report of archaeological explorations in Chinese Turkestan. It is the report on the results of the author’s first expedition to Central Asia (1900-1901). Consists of the main text and plates for each volume. His expeditions are considered the most orthodox. He collected a vast volume of artefacts and documents and produced accurate records and detailed maps. His records are indispensable for the study of the western region. This report is the first volume. The main study area is the region around Khotan. The report includes the results of excavations at the ruins of ancient temples in Dandang-Uliq and Khadalik, Kharosti documents found in the ruins at Niya, and pictures of numerous paintings, sculptures and ancient documents. This book is in two volumes and published in 1907. Vol. 1 is the collection of surveys conducted in various locations along the southern route in the western region during and after crossing from Kashmir via the Pamir Plateau to Kashgar. It records geography, history, agricultural industry, population, ruins, artifacts and ancient documents for each region. It includes Kashimir, Kashgar, Yarkand, Khotan Dandan-Uiliq, Niya, Endere Kara-dong (source of the Keriya river), Ak Sipil, Rawak. Vol. 2 covers paintings, wall paintings, stucco statues, stuppas (Mauri Tim, Rawak, Topa Tim) plans of ruins (Kashgar, Khotan, Dandan-Uiliq, Niya ruins, Kara-dong ruins, Ak Sipil fort) excavated artifacts (pottery fragments, statues, seals, wooden panel paintings, all paintings, wooden carvings, dyed fabrics, old documents).
ISBN : 9788121226714
Pages : 249