About the Book :- The author is asked whether the title of this book means especially a pioneer in science, who happens, to be an Indian, or a pioneer of science in and for India. One hand Bose is the first Indian of modern times who has done distinguished work in science, and his life story is thus at once of interest to his scientific contemporaries in other countries and of encouragement and impulse to his countrymen. But it will also be seen, in the general world of science, independent of race, nationality and language, which looks only to positive results, that here is much of pioneering work, and this upon levels rarely attained, with intercrossing tracks still commonly held and treated as - distinct—in physics, in physiology, both vegetable and animal, and even in psychology. His life and work are set forth with conspicuous literary skill, scientific knowledge, and sympathy with the East. The book contains 29 chapters, 8 plates and 26 fine illustrations. The result is a singularly instructive and eminently readable book.
ISBN : 9788121236171
Pages : 287