Books of Voyages and Travels having been ever held in estimation, and indulgently received, I am the less fearful of submitting the following volume to the notice of the public. A knowledge of the manners of different nations qualifies domestic prejudice, and enlightens the mind; but the subjects of Britain derive from it a singular benefit; they see through a comparison that communicates a fond pleasure to the heart, the unrivalled excellency of their laws, constitution and government; they see these rare gifts brightly reflected on their national character, which still avowedly maintains its pre-eminence amongst and nations of the European world. Travellers stand accused, even, on proverbial authority, of adopting a figurative and loose style of description; and as thrown into tracks, removed from the eye of European observation.The cursory differentiation on the former and present state of Bengal, may have some claim to favour, from the consideration that I visited that province in the description of a passenger. How strong the contrast appears in the inhabitant of the Punjab; those even of domestic and laborious professions, are brave, daring, and often cruel.
ISBN : 9788121299404
Pages : 332