A Dictionary, Hindustani and English, accompanied by a reverse part, English and Hindustani, has hitherto been a desideratum in this country. It must be obvious to everyone that the student of a foreign language, desirous of speaking and writing, as well as reading it, should have not only the words of such foreign language explained in his own, but also the words of his own tongue rendered into that foreign language; and that any Dictionary confined merely to one department is essentially defective. The author has therefore endeavoured to remove this impediment by compiling this Dictionary of the principal colloquial language of India at once copious, portable, and of a moderate price. These objects have been attained by using a small but clear and distinct letter-press; by employing the Roman character wherever it answered the purpose better than the Oriental; and by excluding everything not practically useful. By these means he has been enabled in the following work to comprise in a single volume of convenient dimensions, both parts of a complete Hindustani and Hindi Dictionary, including at the same time, not only more words, but more information really useful to the student, than will be found in any Dictionary of the language hitherto published.
ISBN : 9788121244244
Pages : 816