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  JFK`s Forgotten Crisis: Tibet, the CIA, and the Sino- Indian War

Jfk`S Forgotten Crisis: Tibet, The Cia, And The Sino- Indian War

by Bruce Riedel

  Price : Rs 699.00
  Your Price : Rs 545.22
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  U.S. President John F. Kennedy faced two great crises in 1962 - the Cuban missile crisis and the Sino-Indian War. While his part in the missile crisis that threatened to snowball into a nuclear war has been thoroughly studied, his critical role in the Sino-Indian War has been largely ignored. Bruce Riedel fills that gap with JFK`s Forgotten Crisis: Tibet, the CIA, and the Sino-Indian War. Riedel`s telling of the president`s firm response to China`s invasion of India and his deft diplomacy in keeping Pakistan neutral provides a unique study of Kennedy`s leadership. Embedded within that story is an array of historical details of special interest to India, remarkable among which are Jacqueline Kennedy`s role in bolstering diplomatic relations with Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and Pakistan President Ayub Khan, and the backstory to the China-India rivalry - what is today the longest disputed border in the world.

ISBN - 9789351777885

Pages : 248
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