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  Verbal Ability & Comprehension for CAT/ XAT/ GMAT/ IIFT/ CMAT/ MAT/ Bank PO/ SSC

Verbal Ability & Comprehension For Cat/ Xat/ Gmat/ Iift/ Cmat/ Mat/ Bank Po/ Ssc

by Bharat Patodi, Aditya Choudhary

  Price : Rs 500.00
  Your Price : Rs 425.00
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  Verbal Ability & Comprehension For CAT/XAT/GMAT/IIFT/CMAT/MAT/Bank PO/SSC is a comprehensive preparatory tool that helps you prepare for competitive MBA entrance exams. The book covers all the necessary and sufficient aspects of verbal ability testing in MBA entrance examination. It exhaustively discusses the three main, all-inclusive aspects of verbal ability, verbal reasoning and reading comprehension. The book follows a chapter-wise approach for each section, tackling critically-connected topics together.

Each chapter is divided into theory (with illustrations) and 3 levels of exercises. The theory explains how to handle and master the various aspects of verbal ability by giving apt and easily-comprehensible examples. It covers topics such as basic English grammar and vocabulary, common errors committed and ways to never make these errors. The exercise section is divided into 3 levels, namely Foundation, Standard and Expert, with increasing levels of difficulty and complexity. Apart from essential and basic theory sections, it also has verbal reasoning guides with parajumbles, fact/inference/judgment sections and so on, giving you a complete coverage of all topics. Also the reading comprehension section provides numerous essays, which help in improving speed of reading, critical thinking and vocabulary. Additionally, it also has mock tests and exercises based on previous exams, giving the student a thorough feel of their challenge.

This book not only provides the student with an efficient guide to cracking exams but also forms the fundamental component for future successes in all their professional endeavours. It is a preparatory guide that is useful for the student as well as the future professional. The first edition of Verbal Ability & Comprehension For CAT/XAT/GMAT/IIFT/CMAT/MAT/Bank PO/SSC was published in 2014 by Disha Publications. It is available in the form of a paperback.

Key Features:

Comprehensive and exhaustive study material for detailed coverage of all relevant topics in verbal ability and reasoning, grammar and vocabulary and reading comprehension.
3 varieties of question and answer exercises to cover diversity and complexity of various examinations.ISBN - 9789384089795

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