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  A Concise History of South India: Issues and Interpretations

A Concise History Of South India: Issues And Interpretations

by Noboru Karashima

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  The course of south Indian history from pre-historic times to the contemporary era is a complex narrative with many interpretations. Reflecting recent advances in the study of the region, this volume provides an assessment of the events and socio-cultural development of south India through a comprehensive analysis of its historical trajectory.

Investigating the region`s states and configurations, this book covers a wide range of topics that include the origins of the early inhabitants, formation of the ancient kingdoms, advancement of agriculture, new religious movements based on bhakti and consolidation of centralized states in the medieval period. It further explores the growth of industries in relation to the development of East-West maritime trade in the Indian Ocean as well as the wave of Islamicization and the course of commercial relations with various European countries. The book then goes on to discuss the advent of early-modern state rule, impact of the raiyatwari system introduced by the British, debates about whether the region`s economy developed or deteriorated during the eighteenth century, decline of matriliny in Kerala, emergence of the Dravidian Movement and the intertwining of politics with contemporary popular culture.

Well illustrated with maps and images and incorporating new archaeological evidence and historiography, this volume presents new perspectives on a gamut of issues relating to communities, languages and cultures of a macro-region that continues to fascinate scholars and readers alike.

Table of Contents:

List of Illustrations

Note on Abbreviations, Diacritical Marks and Bibliographies
Prologue: Dravidians - Immigrant or Indigenous by Noboru Karashima

Before the Common Era: Beginnings of South Indian History

Prehistoric cultures by P. Shanmugam
Palaeolithic cultures
Neolithic culture
Megalithic burials and graffiti by Y. Subbarayalu
Megalithic burials
Beginnings of south Indian history by Noboru Karashima
The Brahmi script and south Indian languages by Y. Subbarayalu

First Century BCE to Fifth Century CE: The Satavahanas, the Early Tamil Polities and Their Successors

The Satavahanas in the Deccan by Y. Subbarayalu
Sangam and post-Sangam literature by Y. Subbarayalu
Sangam literature (c. 100 BCE to 300 CE)
Post-Sangam literature (c. 300-600 CE)
Early Tamil polity by Y. Subbarayalu
The rulers
Political organization
Post-Satavahana and post-Sangam polities by Y. Subbarayalu
Religion and religious monuments in early south India by Y. Subbarayalu
Religion as known from archaeological monuments
Religion in early Tamil country as known from literature
Roman trade and contacts with Southeast Asia by Noboru Karashima
Roman trade
Contact with Southeast Asia

Sixth Century to Ninth Century: The New-Type States and the Bhakti Movement

The emergence of a new type of state by Noboru Karashima
Kingship and statecraft by Noboru Karashima
Agrarian developments by Noboru Karashima
Capitals and temples by P. Shanmugam
The bhakti movement by Noboru Karashima
Synthesis of southern and northern traditions
Nayanars and azhvars
The bhakti movement and the state
Women in premodern south Indian society by R. Mahalakshmi

The Tenth to Twelfth Centuries: The Emergence of a Centralized State

The balance of two powers by Noboru Karashima
The Chola state: Centralized or segmentary by Noboru Karashima
Changes in landholding system and society by Noboru Karashima
Maritime trade and merchant activities by Noboru Karashima
States in the Deccan and Kerala by Noboru Karashima
Religion and society by Noboru Karashima
Language and literature by Hiroshi Yamashita
Development of local languages and the dawn of Kannada and Telugu literature
Development of Tamil literature and the emergence of new trends
Temples and sculpture by R. Mahalakshmi
The Tamil region
The other regions

Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries: Period of Social Change and Transition

The fall of the old states by Noboru Karashima
Emergence of new jatis and supra-local/community organizations by Noboru Karashima
Mahas, Saivasiddhantism and Virasaivism by Noboru Karashima

Fifteenth Century to Seventeenth Century: Vijayanagar State and the Wider World

Vijayanagar and the sultanates in the Deccan by Noboru Karashima
Vijayanagar state and the nayakas by Noboru Karashima
The nayaka system
Early polity
Development of trade and industry by Noboru Karashima
Hindu Sultan` and religions by Noboru Karashima
Hindu Sultan`
Architecture and sculpture by P. Shanmugam
Vijayanagar and nayaka architecture
Islamic (Bahmani) and European architecture
The nayaka states and the emergence of new ethos by Noboru Karashima
The coming of the Europeans by Nobuhiro Ota
The advent of the Portuguese in the Indian Ocean
Trade competition between the Dutch and the English in the seventeenth century
The decline of the Dutch and the advent of the French in the eighteenth century

Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries: British Rule and Indian Society

Regional states
The Deccan sultanates and the hegemony of the Mughals by Nobuhiro Ota
Successor state: Hyderabad by Keiko Yamada
Successor state: Mysore by Nobuhiro Ota
Successor state: Tanjore by Takako Inoue
Successor state: Travancore by Toshie Awaya
Economy and society by Nobuhiro Ota
The colonization of south India: The East India Companies and the wars
The fortunes of the native powers and the Carnatic Wars by Nobuhiro Ota
The rise of the Mysore kingdom and the Mysore Wars by Nobuhiro Ota
Incorporation into the global economy by Tsukasa Mizushima
The development of the market economy
Asian and European market relations
Political and economic subordination
Colonial formation
Mirasidars and colonial land systems by Tsukasa Mizushima
Colonial administration and education policy by Miwako Shiga
Responses to colonial formation
Landholders in the nineteenth century by Tsukasa Mizushima
The south Indian cotton industry by Haruka Yanagisawa
Changes in agrarian society by Haruka Yanagisawa
Social movements: The Tamil Renaissance and new identities by Miwako Shiga
The decline of the matrilineal system in modern Kerala by Toshie Awaya

Twentieth Century: Independence and After

Towards Independence: Politics, society and economy
The non-Brahmin movement by Miwako Shiga
The women`s movement in pre-Independence south
India by Parvathi Menon
The south Indian economy before Independence by Haruka Yanagisawa
The devadasi issue by Takako Inoue
New trends in music by Takako Inoue
Independence and after: Politics, society and economy
The language issue and the reorganization of states by Keiko Yamada
State politics in Tamil Nadu by Miwako Shiga
State politics in Andhra Pradesh by Keiko Yamada
The women`s movement in post-Independence South India by Parvathi Menon
Industrial growth and agrarian change by Haruka Yanagisawa
Cinema and television by Takako Inoue
Epilogue: Southern Spice - Seasoning the National Cuisine
Chronological Tables of Dynastic Rulers
About the Editor and Contributors
Index ISBN - 9780198099772

Pages : 418
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