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  Essays in Ancient Indian Economic History

Essays In Ancient Indian Economic History

by Brajadulal Chattopadhyaya

  Price : Rs 1395.00
  Your Price : Rs 1227.60
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  Essays in Ancient Indian Economic History is part of a three-volume set focusing on the developments in the economic history of India during the last millennium.
The essays in this volume provide an outline of the change in the status and orientation of early Indian economic history and in the approach to the economic features of ancient Indian history. The essays traverse diverse subjects such as the function of property, family and caste, the origin of the state in early India; agriculture, surplus appropriation and distribution, and labour; the role of crafts and craftsmen in the economy of early India; and trade and trade organizations, and coinage. In doing so, the volume attempts to provide a chronological and spatial view of early Indian economy.
Re-issued in a revised form to synchronize with the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of the Indian History Congress, the essays are accompanied by a new Preface and an Introduction that highlight the changing contours of emphases, shifting focus and methodologies and projections of research, both encouraged and documented under the aegis of the Indian History Congress. ISBN 9789380607559

Pages : 240
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