Strategic Management Dynamics builds on, and goes substantially, beyond the existing strategy textbooks with its focus on understanding and managing how organisations perform over time. Based on simple but powerful underlying principles, the book both lays out a comprehensive approach to strategy analysis, design and delivery, and connects with established frameworks in the field.
In Strategic Management Dynamics Kim Warren provides a valuable teaching resource, which can be used as a core textbook to bring strategy to life. With numerous examples from different sectors, the book is supported by a rich variety of simulation-based learning materials that are essential if strategy principles are to be experienced, rather than just discussed.
For those who have already learned about strategy, this book provides an important update and extension of their knowledge.
Key Features: • Many simulation models to demonstrate dynamics principles in strategy as well as in marketing, human-resource management, R&D, operations management and other functions – ideal for class exercises and assignments. • A detailed worked example built up from to , illustrating the key frameworks of strategy dynamics analysis. • Extensive discussion of established strategy frameworks, adapted to demonstrate implications for how organisations perform over time. • Numerous academic and managerial references as useful supplements in degree courses and executive education. • End-of- questions and exercises, supported by detailed worksheets. • Extensive online support materials for both lecturers and students
Contents Preface. Acknowledgements. How to Use This Book. 1. Performance through time. 2. Resources drive performance. 3. Resource accumulation. 4. The strategic architecture. 5. Resource attibutes. 6. Resource development. 7. The dynamics of rivalry. 8. Goals and controls. 9. Intangible resources. 10. Capabilities. Index.ISBN - 9788126544288
Pages : 718