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  Call for Transnational Jihad: Lashkar-e-Taiba 1985-2014

Call For Transnational Jihad: Lashkar-E-Taiba 1985-2014

by Arif Jamal

  Price : Rs 1500.00
  Your Price : Rs 1350.00
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  On November 20, 1979, hundreds of jihadist Salafists, known as Juhayman’s Ikhwan, rebelled against the House of Saud and occupied the Ka’aba. The Saudis arrested the rebel leader, Juhayman al-’Utaybi, and the self-anointed Mahdi, Muhammad bin Abdallah al-Qahtani, and executed them, along with scores of others after summary trials. The Meccan rebellion was the first jihadist operation by a truly international jihadist group. Few understood its significance at the time because of its failure. The danger the ideology of Juhayman’s Ikhwan posed, and still poses, revealed itself slowly. Juhayman’s ideology has survived in the shape of the JuD/LeT, which grew out of Juhayman’s ideology. By 1979, Juhayman’s Ikhwan had won over followers in many countries, and established secret cells in some countries. Those who died during the rebellion or were arrested and later executed “made only a tiny fraction of the group which had spread across the world. Others spread out to the rest of the world with Juhayman’s agenda.” Between 1979 and 1987, Juhayman’s Ikhwan built their global organizational network. Many of Juhayman’s surviving direct accomplices, including Syed Allama Badiuddin Shah Rashdi, Hamid Mohammad Bahaziq, Mahmood Mohammad Ahmed Bahaziq, Hassan As-Sareehi, and Ahmad Saad al-Ghamdi, founding official of the International Islamic Relief Organization, founded the Markaz Dawat wal Irshad in circa August 1987, renamed the Jamat ud Dawa in December 2001. Today, the JuD is present in some 100 countries. Based on primary sources, this book tells the hitherto unknown story of how the JuD was formed by the surviving members of Juhayman’s Ikhwan and how it became a global terrorist organization.
ISBN - 9788192998701

Pages : 320
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