Principles of Operating Systems is designed as a textbook for students of computer science, engineering, and computer applications. The book aims to acquaint students with the various aspects of operating systems, such as computer architecture, process management, memory management, file management, and input/output management. Divided into eight parts, the book tries to provide a comprehensive coverage of topics related to operating systems, beginning with OS architectures and then moving on to process scheduling, inter-process communication and synchronization, deadlocks, and multi-threading. Under the part on memory management, basic memory management and virtual memory are discussed. These are followed by chapters on file management and I/O management. Security and protection of OSs are also discussed in detail. Further, advanced OSs such as distributed, multi-processor, real-time, mobile, and multimedia OSs are presented. Android OS, one of the most popular, is discussed under mobile operating systems. The last part of the book discusses shell programming, which will help students perform the practicals for this course. The first six parts contain case studies on UNIX, Solaris, Linux, and Windows.
ISBN - 9780198082873
Pages : 688