The ultimate aim of writing this book is to inculcate, motivate and maintain love for teaching and learning of Mathematics for the teacher-trainees and student`s world. This book is written keeping the Syllabus for most of the colleges of Education in India.
If the teachers love Mathematics, naturally, they will success in making the students love Mathematics. And once the students love Mathematics, it will become a very easy subject and they will get mastery in the subject. Ultimately the teachers will be able to justify the subject to a great extent.
To help the teacher-trainees to remember the points well, big big paras have been split up into small ones, as far as possible. To create and maintain interest in Mathematics, a teacher should know many riddles, puzzles and number-games, which been given in ample in the last chapter in the book. The students will enjoy it. ISBN - 9789350515532
Pages : 450