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  The US-India Nuclear Agreement: Diplomacy and Domestic Politics

The Us-India Nuclear Agreement: Diplomacy And Domestic Politics

by Dinshaw Mistry

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 569.90
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  From 2005 to 2008, the United States and India negotiated a pathbreaking nuclear agreement that recognised India`s nuclear status and lifted longstanding embargoes on civilian nuclear cooperation with India. This book offers the most comprehensive account of the diplomacy and domestic politics behind this nuclear agreement. Domestic politics considerably impeded - and may have entirely prevented - US nuclear accommodation with India; when domestic obstacles were overcome, US–India negotiations advanced; and even after negotiations advanced, domestic factors placed conditions on and affected the scope of US–India nuclear cooperation. Such a study provides new insights into this major event in international politics, and it offers a valuable framework for analysing additional US strategic and nuclear dialogues with India and with other countries.

ISBN - 9781107073418

Pages : 300
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