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  Supreme Court on Service Laws 1950 to Date (Set of 2 Volumes) 1st Edition

Supreme Court On Service Laws 1950 To Date (Set Of 2 Volumes) 1St Edition

by Ashok Soni

  Price : Rs 2990.00
  Your Price : Rs 2691.00
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  The law of the public employment, which we call in common parlance ?Service Laws?, in India has developed with the passage of the time. The large amount of the litigations during the last six decades in this field is axiomatic of its importance in the life of a Government servant as well as of the State. The judicial pronouncements by the Supreme Court of India from its inception to date speak the volume.

The present work offers a meticulous analysis of the judgments pronounced by the Supreme Court of India during the last six decades having a persuasive value in a lucid manner.

The approach of this self-contained compendium on service laws is conceived with a difference. The subject-wise approach of the service laws enunciated by the Supreme Court of India was a felt-necessity.

The present work offers subject-wise alphabetical arrangement. Its exhaustive content describes the subjects in abundance and in the precision. Every topic and its headings and sub-headings are alphabetized. The important subjects contain a synopsis of key words which would give the readers an option of one-stop search of the desired subject. The synopsis before the important topics facilitates hawk-eyed look. The main heading and its sub-heading and further key words are provided followed by the condensed head notes. The facts of the cases have also been given wherever necessary to explain the case.

Under the heading ?Legislation referred? the relevant statutes have been given. The heading ?Case law analysis? gives information of the case law used as a precedent. The important information about overruled cases has been given in the heading ?Note?. It also provides information about the overrules cases, the backward and forward references and other such things.

The Bench, the Bar, the Government servants and the people who are interested in the understanding of the niceties of the Service Laws in India would find the book for immense guidance and assistance.ISBN 9788180385742

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