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  Paediatric Radiology

Paediatric Radiology

by Karl Johnson , Claire Miller , Helen Williams , Katharine Foster

  Price : Rs 4354.00
  Your Price : Rs 3918.60
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  This book encompasses all aspects of pediatric radiology. It provides an overview of how to approach the imaging of children including the relative values of each of the imaging modalities for pediatric pathology.
The book is divided into systems-based chapters as well as a chapter on the different imaging modalities (radiographs, fluroscopy, ultrasound, CT, MRI and nuclear scintigraphy). Each chapter is divided into three sections; the first section lists common clinical presentations, the differential causes and the appropriate imaging pathways needed to confirm the diagnosis. The second section discusses the differential diagnosis of radiological features. The final section details the imaging findings in a wide variety of clinical conditions. In all sections, the value of all imaging modalities will be stressed. Pediatric Radiology discusses recent imaging advances for each condition. There are extensive good quality images throughout the book, with additional illustrations. There is extensive cross-referencing to aid the reader. The book is an important revision aid as well as an up-to-date reference.ISBN - 9780199204793

Pages : 512
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