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   Journeys Through Babudom And Netaland:Governanace In India, 1/e

Journeys Through Babudom And Netaland:Governanace In India, 1/E

by T S R Subramanian

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 487.90
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  Few people can claim to know in detail, the working and pitfalls of the Indian administration. Those privileged enough to know hardly ever divulge insider information. T. S. R. Subramanian on the other hand, being a patriot that he is, pours his heart out as he lends the readers a peek through his eyes into the intricacies of governance in India.

JOURNEYS THROUGH BABUDOM AND NETALAND:Governance in India is full of anecdotes from the writer’s own experience as a bureaucrat. He paints a sad, forlorn picture of how the whole political system and its resources in India is little more than a tool used to fulfill the whims and fancies of those sitting at the top.

T. S. R. Subramanian describes how the average ‘neta’, or politician in the country is corrupt, and used to blatantly abusing his/her power. He mentions that in his four decades of experience, he has only come across only a handful of politicians who are actually honest. Similarly, the average ‘babu’ or bureaucrat is rude, arrogant, and too busy brown nosing their masters to be of any help to the public.

The author describes many incidents, drawn straight from memory which portray the astounding level of degradation in the Indian political system in a largely humorous manner, which makes the book a delight for anyone looking for an enjoyable read.ISBN - 9788129105875

Pages : 358
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