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  Charisma of Navamsha

Charisma Of Navamsha

by Lt Col Retd Raj Kumar

  Price : Rs 300.00
  Your Price : Rs 300.00
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  Among various Vargas, the relative importance of Navamsha is universally acclaimed. Astrologers consider it to be just next to birth chart or equal to birth chart or even better than the birth chart. Almost all astrologers use Navamsha and birth chart together to assess strengths of various houses and planets before giving any opinion. In Vedic astrology, Navamsha occupies an outstanding position and draws one’s attention for deeper understanding/ scrutiny due to its multifarious technique and usage. The additional inputs in the form of scintillating concepts by Jaimini and Nadi system have made the subject more engrossing. The author has tried to incorporate the same in the book. The study of a birth chart gives only the gross (Sthool) indications of characteristics of various houses and planets; while Navamsha offers their detailed (Sookshmatar) values. It is so because a Navamsha is basically equal to both in its size and extent to a quarter/ one fourth / pada of a Nakshtra, thereby giving it a stellar role. While a house represents a combined spectrum of 30 degrees, a Navamsha provides a microscopic view of 3° 20’ or 1/ 9 part of a sign only.

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