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  Annual Vedic Forecast 2011 and Love Signs

Annual Vedic Forecast 2011 And Love Signs

by Ajai Bhambi

  Price : Rs 295.00
  Your Price : Rs 241.90
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  In annual Vedic Forecaset 2011 and Love Signs Pandit Ajai Bhambi brings the forecast for 2011 based on Vedic Sun Signs. Vedic astrology is the system which is used to make horoscope. Pandit Bhambi`s earlier book Vedic Sun Signs deals in detail with the personality characteristics of people born under each Vedic Sun Sign and each of the Sun nakshatras. In this book, he has used this system to bring an accurate picture of the coming year for the twelve sun signs. In addition to the forecasts of different areas of one`s life. Pandit Bhambi has also given the unique "Yukti" for each month under each Sun Sign. Yukti is practical in nature and something that can be done to prepare oneself for what life has to offer. It is different from the upanyas which are done after an event takes place.
The second section of this book is on Love Signs; the combination of each Vedic Sun Sign with all the other twelve Sun Signs. Readers will be fascinated to note the distinctive characteristics brought out by Pandit Bhambi. He provides the reader with a vivid picture bringing our effectively the nuances in a relationship which would help in building a deeper understanding. He brings our the uniqueness in relationships based on the combinations of the various Sun Signs. The readers will get an insight and a novel perspective of the behavioural characteristics of their partner on reading this section.
ISBN - 9788129117502

Pages : 314
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