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  Legal Defence in Armed Forces Tribunal: Act-Rules-Judgements

Legal Defence In Armed Forces Tribunal: Act-Rules-Judgements

by Wg Cdr (Dr) Uc Jha

  Price : Rs 995.00
  Your Price : Rs 776.10
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  The Armed Forces Tribunal in India is a unique institution, in the sense that it has original jurisdiction over service matters, and as well as appellate jurisdiction over various forms of court martial, prevailing in the three services. The Benches of the Tribunal have given relief to more than 19,000 serving and retired military personnel and their families over a period of four years of its establishment, when the Tribunal started functioning. This book provides an insight into the legal reforms, which led to the organisation of the Tribunal.

The introductory chapter of the book gives a detailed and critical account of the formation of the Tribunal, and the grievance redress system, prevailing in the three services. It also highlights certain shortcomings of the Armed Forces Tribunal Act, 2007. A brief account of more than 200 decisions, taken by the Tribunal follows. These decisions concern inquiries, pay, promotion, pension, disability, family pension and other service matters. Some decisions, against the orders and findings of various courts martial have also been included. Besides, the book mentions in detail, all the Rules, made under the Armed Forces Tribunal Act, so far. It is a must read for serving and retired military personnel, the legal fraternity, military establishments, social scientists and those dealing with policy matters.

ISBN - 9788170494768

Pages : 460
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