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  India`s National Security : Annual Review 2011

India`S National Security : Annual Review 2011

by Satish Kumar

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  "The eleventh volume in the series India`s National Security Annual Review concludes from a detailed analysis of India`s security environment that there are some major security threats, but not of such magnitude as to impede its economic growth and political stability.

On top of the list of India`s external security concerns is China`s growing military and economic power, its assertiveness vis-à-vis countries on its periphery and its endeavour to contain India, manifest in its strategic nexus with Pakistan and incursions into India`s borders. Added to these is the intractable boundary dispute, a persistent destablising factor in the bilateral relations. India nevertheless is trying to cope with China`s pressures by improving its defence capability and engaging China diplomatically. Pakistan remains another major security threat because of its covert policy of exporting terrorism into India despite its loud rhetoric on containing terrorist outfits, and the increasing radicalisation of its society, politics and security forces with worrisome implications of a possible jihadi take-over of the state.

On the other hand are such positives as India`s enduring strategic partnership with Russia and a growing one with the US, and its promising engagements with ASEAN, Africa and neighbouring countries which are either conflict-ridden (Afghanistan, Sri Lanka), or undergoing significant political transformation (Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar).

India`s internal security situation offers a mixed picture with a lull in insurgent movements in the northeast and popular unrest in the Kashmir valley, but persisting challenges posed by left-wing extremism in tribal areas.
ISBN - 9780415540629

Pages : 600
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