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  100 Singificant Pre-Independ Speeches

100 Singificant Pre-Independ Speeches

by H.D Sharma

  Price : Rs 395.00
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  The nine decades between 1858 and 1847 were an important time for India. The country was awakening to new realities, trying to shape her own destiny and was inching her way to freedom. In the process was produced a galaxy of statesmen, social reformers and freedom fighters who were not just exceptional people, but brilliant orator as well. Starting with Queen Victoria`s `Proclamation` and ending with Jawaharlal Nehru`s famous `Tryst with Destiny` speech, this book brings together some of the stirring, inspiring speeches that were delivered at the time.
About Author :
H.D. Sharma was educated in the universities of Punjab, Delhi and Michigan. He is aprofessional librarian and was awarded the Fulbright fellowship twice. He taught Library Science at the University of Rajasthan and then joined the Banaras Hindu University as Deputy Librarian cum Reader and later served as University Librarian there for many years. He also worked in the Brooklyn Public Library, New York and Michigan State University Library for some years.
Contents :
What England Could Do
The Libert Bill and Freedom Movement
The Birth of Indian National Congress
The Congress and The Muslims
Disarmed India
One Country, Two Nations
Fighting for Indian Cause
An Indian in British Parliament
Tonic for Hindu Mind
A Message of Hope
India Must be Bled
Hindus and Muslims in India
Why I Became a Hindu?
Importance of the Fourth Estate
Industrialising India
Charter of Muslim Separatims
Rewaring the Faithful
Muslim League is Born
Using Boycott as a Weapon
The Swadeshi Movement
British Rule is Disastrous
Hopes Belied
Making of the Steel Frame
Shall Not Perish as a Nation
The Rise and Decline of Nations
Annulment of Bengal Partition
Nationalism in India
Freedom is My Brithright
Civil Service Examinations
Why Home Rule?
The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
Skewed Hindu-Muslim Unity
Transplanting Communism in India
Towards Freedom
Khilafat: Gandhi and Jinnah
Befriending India
Patriotism in Samskrit Literature
In Noncooperation Lies Success
Great Historical Trial
Need for a Native System
Bengal Leading the Freedom Movement
Communal Representation and Communalism
Why I Left The Swaraj Party
Boycott Simon Commission
Gandhi his Guru
Nehru Report as India`s Constitution
Muslims and Nehru Report
Assembly Bomb Case
Sharing Aryan Ancestry
Proclaiming Purna Swaraj
Independence Pledge
Dandi March
`Muslim India` Within India
Pleading for the Depressed Classes
Martyrdom of Bhagat Singh
The Unkindest Cut of All
Dominion Status: False Card in a Pack
The Fickle Leader
The Death of God
The Communal Award
Educating an Individual
Politician as a Gentleman
Annihilation of Caste
What Path Salvation?
Governors and The Legislature
Politics of Grumbling
Dominion Status Promised
Seeking British War Aims
Demand for a Muslim Nation
The August Offer
Jawaharlal Nehru on Trial
Perils of Nonviolence
I am Still Alive
Cripps Proposals
Looking to Japan for Emancipation
Quit India
Why I Left India
Provisional Government Formed
Hindu Nationalism
Quitting India
Communists are Anti-National
Cabinet Mission Proposals
Now Direct Action
The Interim Government
Guidelines for the Constitution
An Imperialist`s Swan Song
India Free and Divided
Accepts Moth-Eaten Pakistan
Pleads for Pakistan
India Integrated
The Curtain Falls
Working of the Constituent Assembly
Our National Flag
Advice to the Princes
Constituion Making in Pakistan
The Dawn of Freedom
Britain Salutes Free India
The Dreams of a Sage
A Tryst with Destiny
Bibliography ISBN - 9788129109972

Pages : 425
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