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   Statistics : For Engineers and Scientists 3rd Edition

Statistics : For Engineers And Scientists 3Rd Edition

by William Navidi

  Price : Rs 795.00
  Your Price : Rs 715.50
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  Statistics for Engineers and Scientists stands out for its crystal clear presentation of applied statistics. Suitable for a one or two semester course, the book takes a practical approach to methods of statistical modeling and data analysis that are most often used in scientific work.The text presents an extensive, self-contained introduction to simulation methods at a level appropriate for introductory students, including the bootstrap and applications to estimating probabilities, estimating bias, computing confidence intervals, and testing hypotheses.
An engaging writing style explains difficult concepts clearly. While including the mathematics necessary for clear understanding, the text makes extensive use of examples to motivate fundamental concepts and to develop intuition.
Over 250 new problems have been added.
Chapter 1:Sampling and Descriptive Statistics
Chapter 2: Probability
Chapter 3: Propagation of Error
Chapter 4: Commonly Used Distributions
Chapter 5: Confidence Intervals
Chapter 6: Hypothesis Testing
Chapter 7: Correlation and Simple Linear Regression
Chapter 8: Multiple Regression
Chapter 9: Factorial Experiments
Chapter 10: Statistical Quality Control
Appendix A: Tables
Appendix B: Partial Derivatives
Appendix C: Bibliography
Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises ISBN - 9781259098451

Pages : 932
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