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  Food Processing Waste Management: Treatment and Utilization Technology

Food Processing Waste Management: Treatment And Utilization Technology

by V. K. Joshi, S. K. Sharma ,

  Price : Rs 2000.00
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  Food Processing Waste Management: Treatment and UtilizationTechnologies" is a reference-cum-text book written in crisp andscientifically authentic language for teachers, scientists,researchers, students, industry managers, as well as all those whohave a stake in food processing wastes management and utilization.It presents the latest information on the problems of wastesgenerated from various food industries. The contents have beendivided into 14 chapters namely; Food Processing Industrial Wastes-Present Scenario, Impact of Food Industrial Waste on Environment,Grain Processing Wastes Management, Waste Utilization - Fruit andVegetable Processing Industry, Milk and Dairy Wastes Management,Meat Processing Wastes Management, Fish Processing WastesManagement, Spices and Condiments Industrial Wastes Management,Sugar and Jaggery Industrial Wastes Management, Fruit Kernel andOilseed Processing Wastes Management, Utilization of Waste fromFood Fermentation Industry, Food Processing Waste TreatmentTechnology, Hospitality Industry Wastes Management and FutureWastes Management - Nanotechnology.

All the segments of Food Industry have been dealt withseparately by specialists with respect to their wastes managementtechnology. Special emphasis has been laid on the potential methodsof utilization of the wastes for recovery of useful products and asupplementary means of checking pollution by their profitableutilization and disposal. The profitable utilization of the foodindustrial wastes would not only fetch extra profits to theindustry but would also reduce the pollution load in theenvironment. The special feature of the book is that it coversdifferent developments made right from the basic technologiesgenerated for wastes management to the recent advancements andfuture areas of research to be done on the subject. Underundergraduate and post-graduate degree or diploma programmes offood science, food technology and postharvest Technology,fermentation technology, waste management as a subject is taught inalmost all the agricultural universities in India as well as abroad.The book is expected to be very useful to the students of thesedisciplines. It is hoped that the treatise would be of immensevalue to all and would certainly open an insight into food wastemanagement technology in the fast growing food processingindustry.ISBN - 9789380235592

Pages : 492
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