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   Nuclear Chemistry Through Problems

Nuclear Chemistry Through Problems

by H.J. Arnikar , N.S. Rajurkar

  Price : Rs 150.00
  Your Price : Rs 135.00
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  In most of our Universities, the course in advanced chemistry is open to students of two streams, one who had Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry (the MPC group) and the other with Life or Earth Science and Chemistry at the B.Sc. stage. A problem arises with the students of the latter stream who had no background in Mathematics beyond the High School stage. However, they cannot be denied admission to higher chemistry courses on this ground. All the same, these non-mathematics students start realizing soon that they are missing some of the essentials of the subject available to the other fellow students (those of the MPC group).

Chemistry is a physical science involving measurements of precision in respect of the amounts of chemicals reacting and of the amounts of the products formed, how fast and how far a given reaction goes, the energy changes involved, and the quantitative effects due to variations in the relevant parameters. All these interrelated quantities are governed by precise laws expressed in the form of mathematical equations. One cannot be a true master of chemistry in any branch unless he is comfortably at home with the equations relevant to that branch, and can use them correctly for solving problems.

Nuclear Chemistry through Problems is written with the object of helping the student in solving numerical problems in the subject. It is meant to be accompanion to the main textbook Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry-IV Ed. (1995). It cannot be considered as a substitute to the latter. The background material given at the beginning of each chapter is necessary and sufficient for solving numerical problems. After some practice, it is hoped that the student will be able to solve the problems by himself, without looking into the solution provided by us; except for checking the final answer printed in bold type at the end of the solution. ISBN - 9788122410365

Pages : 168
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