This book provides the reader with the text of the important Constitutions of the world with all amend?ments up-to-date, viz, the USA, the USSR, Switzer?land, Eire, Japan, the Fifth French Republic, China, Canada, Australia and Sri Lanka (Ceylon), Afghanistan?Constitu?tion of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, 2004; Bangladesh?Constitution of People\`s Re-public of Bangladesh, 2004; Bhutan?Constitution of the Kingdom of Bhutan,2005; Bosnia and Herzegovina?Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Nepal?Constitu?tion of Kingdom of Nepal, 1990; Pakistan?Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973; South Africa?Constitution of South Africa, 1997, together with the Constitution?al Landmarks of the United Kingdom which has no formal written Constitution. These landmarks include the Magna Carta, the Pe?tition of Rights, the Bill of Rights, the Act of Settlement, the Parliament Acts, the Stat?ute of Westminster, the Crown Proceedings Act, the Tribunals and Inquiries Act. Another feature included in this edition is the repro?duction of the international documents relat?ing to Human Rights such as the Universal Declaration, the International Covenants on Social and Political Rights as well as the Eu?ropean Convention for the Protection of Hu?man Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. ISBN 9788180384318