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  In the Body of the World

In The Body Of The World

by Eve Ensler

  Price : Rs 199.00
  Your Price : Rs 159.20
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  Having experienced sexual and physical abuse as a child at the hands of her father, the author spent a large chunk of her life detached from her body. This extraordinary memoir, titled In The Body Of The World: A Memoir, is her personal attempt to return to her own body and a universal attempt to help other women do the same.

She had no reference point for her own body and on her travels across more than 60 nations, she encountered many women who had experienced abuse of the goriest kind and lived through the trauma for a major part of their lives. As a result of this, their lives were ruptured and they exiled themselves from their bodies. The knowledge of their experiences helped Ensler in identifying her own feelings and propelled her further to help the cause of other women.

The author has vehemently talked about the atrocious pain she underwent as she lived through uterine cancer. Not withholding what is normally considered forbidden and private, she has spoken in length about how she endured abrasive procedures, chemotherapy and painful surgeries.

Enslers relationship with her parents and her sister, the abuse she suffered as a child and her experiences with women who were victims of rape and violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo, have also been talked about in a detailed manner in the book.

The author has used the devastation of the Earth as a metaphor for her own illness in the book, In The Body Of The World: A Memoir. This book is a must read for anyone who has faced adversity and seeks inspiration and generosity. The jubilation experienced by the author, after years of trials and tribulations, is bound to instil a sense of compassion and hopefulness in every reader. ISBN - 9788184004021

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