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  Multidisciplinary Approach to Head and Neck Neoplasms

Multidisciplinary Approach To Head And Neck Neoplasms

by Gady Har-El , Cherie-Ann O. Nathan , Terry A. Day , Shaun A. Nguyen

  Price : Rs 9000.00
  Your Price : Rs 9000.00
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This six-volume series has been compiled to introduce current, up-to-date concepts concerning the diagnosis, evaluation, and management rationale of the various conditions that otorhinolaryngologists encounter in their clinics, hospitals, and operating rooms. It has been our goal to keep this information complete yet concise. -- Milind V. Kirtane and Chris E. de Souza, Series Editors

A Multidisciplinary Approach to Head and Neck Neoplasms is a comprehensive how-to guide that addresses the medical and surgical treatment of the most common and challenging neoplasms in head and neck surgery. It takes a hands-on approach to describing the latest surgical techniques, including intraoperative navigation, robotic surgery, image guidance for sinus tumors, and endoscopic skull base procedures. This book will be the reference of choice for residents and fellows, experienced otolaryngologists, and head and neck surgeons.

Key Features:

Comprehensive coverage of the evidenced-based management of surgical and nonsurgical diseases of the head and neck
Chapters include: Pediatric Tumors, Rehabilitation of Patients with Head and Neck Cancer, and Emerging Technology and Therapeutics in Head and Neck Oncology
Core Messages at the beginning of every chapter
Clinical Pearls to reinforce learning

The contributors to this volume are internationally recognized experts in head and neck surgery, plastic surgery, and oral and maxillofacial surgery, informing the book with a wealth of knowledge in these disciplines. ISBN - 9789382076056

Pages : 340
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