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  Flowers and Vegetables of India

Flowers And Vegetables Of India

by R.K. Sud , S Kumar

  Price : Rs 600.00
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  The presented manuscript in the book form on “Flowers and Vegetables of India”, has taken all the due care in compiling the details on the cut flower culture both in the open and also under covers and acquainting the user and the reader with the export entry into the market and its requirements, transportation under controlled conditions which are the top most requirements have been given. Also details of establishing own Nurseries, Tissue Culture Laboratories and Project Costs on Cut flower Floriculture have been given in a very easy to understand way, so that the entrepreneur can prepare his own estimates and project planning details for gaining access to the Government requirements for the release of grants / subsidies and loan funds in a very easy fashion. Organic culture which is likely to become a part of the farmer and the entrepreneur in agriculture has also been given in a manner that, nothing is left for the future reference of the subject. In the Vegetable crop culture, detailed information on the history, botany and the vegetable family as a whole has been tried to be presented in such a way that the reader acquires all the best possible knowledge from Origin to different species and the relevance of cultivation with regard to demands of the country and the continent. In this direction differences between every known crop has been given, as in the case of Peas, we, in India are aware of only Shelled Peas and not the Snow and Snap Peas. The same way, Beans are known only as green vegetable and not as Shelled beans. Thus, the reader has been kept to be at the best receiving end and to acquaint him all about the inherent techniques of creating awareness and educating in a simple manner for practice in the field. Success stories of the people from Taiwan and other countries are the motivating stones of this book. This Book thus is an intentional write-up for the students and rural educated folks interested in any vocation of agriculture, whether it is Floriculture or Olericulture. Apart from the above, reasons for un-awareness of the farmer are there which will become the guide stones to achieve the desired results in the line once he thinks to adopt it. The Book in its present form is a consequence of the practical experience gained by the authors in the field for culture, post harvest and marketing of fresh products and processing for food security. Contents contained for different cultural, industrial and marketing aspects of crops can usher into a new life for the village. It is very high time that farmer understands the intrigues of modern crop culture through his own vision and translates with his untiring efforts. Greatest emphasis in the present book has been laid on the competitiveness of India with other world countries, where India stands to gain at every front whether cheaper production costs or technology understanding or geogra-phical location of India in the center of the world export trade, are very vital. ISBN - 9788172333617

Pages : 275
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