The book contains 34 chapters covering all aspects of beekeeping which include impor-tant events and pioneers in beekeeping, history of beekeeping, type of bees, their evolution and biodiversity, honeybee spec-ies, their biology, form and function, begin-ning beekeeping, establishing apiary, bee appliances, bee behaviour, bee pasturage, management of colonies and their manipula-tion, mass rearing of queens, honeybee nutrition, two queen management system, migratory beekeeping, breeding of honey-bees, use of honeybees and wild bees for pollination, bee products and their value addition, diseases and enemies of bees, breeding bees for disease resistance, inbr-eeding depression in honeybees, quarantine control of bee diseases, artificial insemin-ation, pesticide toxicity to bees, biotech-nological potential of bees, honeybees as biosensors, ancillary industries, marketing of bee products. Besides, the information provided in this book will be useful to pollination biologists, students, teachers, scientists of agriculture, animal behaviour, botany, conservation, biology, ecology, entomology, environmental biology, forestry, genetics, plant breeding, horticulture, toxicology, zoology, seed growers and seed agencies. It will be highly useful to motivate the young generation to fascinating world of honeybees and adopt beekeeping as a profession. Book as a guide for their problems & evolving strategies. ISBN - 9788172336707