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   Understanding Cosmic Panorama

Understanding Cosmic Panorama

by K.S. Krishna Swamy

  Price : Rs 195.00
  Your Price : Rs 175.50
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  The universe and its kaleidoscopic phenomena have fascinated mankind ever since the dawn of civilization. Over the years, the study of the universe has made phenomenal progress resulting in unprecedented discoveries.

Understanding Cosmic Panorama provides a systematic and authoritative, yet all-encompassing exposition of the subject. It deals with important issues like fundamental physics principles, solar system, sun, interstellar matter, stars, milky way, galaxies, life in the solar system, and origin of the universe.

Addressed to readers with an elementary background of the subject, the book provides the basic concepts of the phenomena while explaining them in reasonable detail.

It is a useful reference book for teachers and students of high schools and colleges, and all others who are interested in learning more about the universe.

The sun and the solar system have been covered in greater depth, and the book is intended to invoke the interest of readers in further study of the subject. ISBN - 9788122421767

Pages : 134
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