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by Keshav Trehan

  Price : Rs 200.00
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  The present volume provides an excellent up-to-date account of the course and development of biochemistry. The text revolves around the basic principles of biochemistry as well as molecular and biochemical control mechanisms responsible for structural, informational and behavioural properties of cells resulting in a composite picture of modern biochemistry.

The book is organized into five sections that follows an introductory chapter dealing with biochemical basis of life. Part I treats the Foundations and Fundamentals which includes four chapters to help prepare a student finally to enter the realm of biochemistry. This part is especially designed to clarify the basic concepts and introducing quantitation in biochemical sciences and represents a distinctive and crucial feature above all the existing texts. Part II deals with Molecular structure and Organization of Biomolecules.

This part is composed of five chapters describing in detail, the biochemical organization of information molecules in living cells. Part III represents Biosynthesis of Biomolecules covering five chapters describing in detail the biochemical control of traffic of information molecules in the living cells. Part IV describes the Dynamics of Energy Transformation and represents six chapters dealing with the maintenance and expenditure of energy in biochemical processes. Part V deals with Enzymology and Special Aspects of Metabolism and includes eleven chapters especially devoted to cover recent developments and topics of current importance.

This volume concludes with a chapter dealing with the place and relevance of biochemistry on an interdisciplinary platform. Every chapter is followed by a short list of selected general references pertaining to that particular subject. There are seven indices following the complete write up and is primarily directed towards providing additional and extra information useful to establish a link between all the sections and chapters.

In view of academic curriculum existing in various Universities and Institutions (including Agricultural Universities), the present book should conform to the requirements and interests of Honours and Postgraduate students in Life Sciences in general including Biochemistry, Botany, Zoology, Genetics and Microbiology. ISBN - 9788122402483 8122402483

Pages : 580
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