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  CEO Logic How to Think and Act Like a Chief Executive

Ceo Logic How To Think And Act Like A Chief Executive

by C. Ray Johnson

  Price : Rs 175.00
  Your Price : Rs 157.50
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  What It Takes to Think and Act Like a Chief Executive Go ahead get inspired by all those books by the celebrity CEOs. Then read CEO Logic and learn why what they`ve done works. You`ll discover the habits of mind shared by all successful managers the ability to think clearly, to perceive the fundamental management issues that underlie even the most complex business decisions. CEO Logic starts with the foundations of business success: the development of a business philosophy that works for you, and the strategic application of that philosophy in all areas of your endeavor. The book then examines each of the operating disciplines with sound advice on how to establish and grow a business.

Salient features

Nine simple steps to strategy formulation
Abundant self assessment tools
A fool-proof loan proposal outline
Straight talk about business realitiesISBN - 9788122417265

Pages : 288
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