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  Politics 3rd Edition

Politics 3Rd Edition

by Andrew Heywood

  Price : Rs 800.00
  Your Price : Rs 680.00
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`Andrew Heywood is to be congratulated for making first year politics teaching in UK universities so much easier!` - Dr David Baker, University of Warwick

`In addition to Heywood`s accessible style of writing, the book certainly benefits from many of the pedagogical features incorporated into the text. The sets of questions, outlining of key concepts, mini biographical profiles of specific philosophers and important people, focus boxes, diagrammatic representations and suggestions for further reading are all valuable, informative features and aide-memoires.` - Dr Jacqui Briggs, Senior Lecturer in Politics, University of Lincoln, UK

`I have enjoyed using Politics and find it a font of knowledge at my finger tips.` - Dr Rae Nicholl, University of South Pacific, Fiji

`Overall, Politics offers a thorough and solid overview of the essential material for an introduction to political science or comparative politics.` - Professor Joel D. Wolfe, University of Cincinnati, USA

Stimulating, succinct and accessible, this highly successful text offers a comprehensive introduction to the study of politics, written from an international perspective. Including a new chapter on the mass media and political communication it contains substantial new material on developments such as the `War on Terror,` and state transformation.ISBN - 9780230224940

Pages : 496
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