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   JavaScript A Beginners Guide 4/E

Javascript A Beginners Guide 4/E

by John Pollock

  Price : Rs 575.00
  Your Price : Rs 517.50
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  Completely updated for the latest JavaScript standard

Shows how to create dynamic Web pages complete with special effects using today`s leading Web development language
Includes a new chapter on HTML5 and jQuery
Instructorâ„¢s Manual now available to provide classroom support Fully updated for the latest JavaScript standard and featuring a new chapter on HTML5 and jQuery

JavaScript: A Beginner`s Guide shows how to create dynamic Web pages complete with special effects using today`s leading Web development language. With the growth of HTML 5, JavaScript is expected to grow even more to script the canvas element, add drag and drop functionality, and more. This fast-paced tutorial provides step-by-step coverage of the fundamentals, including variables, functions, operators, event handlers, objects, arrays, strings, and forms. The book then moves to more advanced techniques, including debugging, accessibility, and security. This pedagogically rich, hands-on guide explains how JavaScript works with HTML 5 and covers the new features available in JavaScript.

Key Skills & Concepts--Chapter-opening lists of specific skills covered in the chapter
Ask the Expert--Q & A sections filled with bonus information and helpful tips
Try This--Hands-on exercises that show you how to apply your skills
Notes--Extra information related to the topic being covered
Tips--Helpful reminders or alternate ways of doing things
Self-Tests--End-of-chapter reviews to test your knowledge
Annotated syntax--Example code with commentary that describes the programming techniques being illustrated
Code downloads provided for projects in the book 1 Introduction to JavaScript
2 Placing JavaScript in an HTML File
3 Using Variables
4 Using Functions
5 JavaScript Operators
6 Conditional Statements and Loops
7 JavaScript Arrays
8 Objects
9 The Document Object
10 Event Handlers
11 Window Object
12 Math, Number, and Date Objects
13 Handling Strings
14 JavaScript and Forms
15 An Introduction to Advanced Techniques
16 JavaScript Libraries, HTML5, and Harmony
A Answers to Self Tests ISBN - 9781259098314

Pages : 528
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