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  Practice and Procedure of Labour Laws with Model Forms, 2nd Edn.

Practice And Procedure Of Labour Laws With Model Forms, 2Nd Edn.

by H.L. Kumar

  Price : Rs 1250.00
  Your Price : Rs 1087.50
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  This book is designed to meet the requirements of those who are, in any way, connected with labour management and for ensuring compliances of labour-related laws. It will be of great help to those who are in the field of Human Resource Management, Industrial Relations and Personnel Management.

Efforts have been made to give the ratio of cases to enable the readers to understand the implication of various provisions keeping in view that the main enactment i.e. Industrial Disputes Act has been enacted as early as in 1947 when there were not many industries and the disputes were a few. Various efforts have been made afterwards, but no effective amendment has been a made. However, the judiciary has widened the scope of Act.

In addition to above, other important enactments relating to labour laws have also been dealt in such a manner that anyone can easily understand the legal implication.

Besides above, the book includes model forms which are required by those who are either practising in labour laws or, in any way, concerned with managing people at work and ensuring compliances. The object of this book is to promote self-learning.

Users would find this Book highly useful for its self teaching and application - oriented approach.

ISBN - 9789350353622

Pages : 1105
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