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Du Four Year Course: Easy Approach To Business Laws (Semester-1)

by J.P. Sharma

  Price : Rs 395.00
  Your Price : Rs 335.75
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  Foremost aim while writing this book has been to produce a text that is broadly comprehensive in nature and presents the law in a most simple and readable manner. To assist the students in understanding the law better, the provisions in this book at various places have been broken in graphic display. Flow charts and graphs not only provide a quick visual guide through the subject but also provide a quick and easy understanding of the key points, especially when revising for examinations. To ensure clarity and easy understanding of the subject, each concept has been supported by judicial interpretations and case laws, at appropriate places. The chapters in the book include provisions on Indian Contract Act, 1872; Sale of Goods Act, 1930; Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008; and the Information Technology Act, 2000.

Unit I - Indian Contract Act, 1872
1. Nature and Type of Contracts
2. Offer and Acceptance
3. Consideration
4. Capacity to Contract
5. Free Consent
6. Legality of Consideration and Objects
7. Void Agreements
8. Quasi Contracts
9. Contingent Contract
10 . Remedies for Breach of Contract
11. Idemnity and Guarantee
12. Bailment
13. Contract of Agency
Unit II - Sale of Goods Act, 1930
14. Nature of Contract of Sale
15. Conditions and Warranty
16. Transfer of Ownership
17. Performance of a Contract of Sale
18. Rights of Unpaid Seller
19. Auction Sale
Unit III - The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 1872
20. LLP and Its Incorporation
21. Partner’s Relations, Liability and Contribution
22. Financial Disclosures and Assignment of Rights
23. Investigation
24. Conversion to LLP
25. Foreign Limited Liability Partnership
26. Compromise, Arrangement or Reconstruction of LLP
27. Winding Up and Dissolution
28. Taxation of LLP
29. Miscellaneous Provisions
Unit IV - The Information Technology Act, 2000
30. Objective, Applicability and Definitions
31. Digital Signature and Digital Signature Certificates
32. Electronic Governance and Records
33. Regulations of Certifying Authorities
34. Penalties and Adjudications
IndexISBN - 9789382127734

Pages : 624
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