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   Studies in Indian Sociology, Indian Sociology Over the Years: Selected Presidential Addresses of AISC, 1967 - 2010

Studies In Indian Sociology, Indian Sociology Over The Years: Selected Presidential Addresses Of Aisc, 1967 - 2010

by Jacob John Kattakayam

  Price : Rs 795.00
  Your Price : Rs 715.50
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  This volume is included as a part of the Studies in Indian Sociology series, yet it stands apart from the other volumes in terms of its approach and import.

A committee constituted as part of the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations recommended that a volume comprising of presidential addresses delivered at the All India Sociological Conferences held till date be brought out.The committee recommended that the criteria for the presidential addresses selected should also consider their relevance in the contemporary social scenario.

In response to that the Indian Sociological Society (ISS) has come out with this academically fruitful endeavour—a separate volume on selected presidential addresses from 1967 to 2010—to celebrate the successful completion of 60 years as a professional body. It is the sole comprehensive reader on the changing themes in Indian Sociology. Foreword T N Madan
Introduction Jacob John Kattakayam
Sociology and Sociologists in India Today M N Srinivas
Modernization and Development: Trends in India R N Saksena
The Sociologist and the Social Reality Ramkrishna Mukherjee
Indian Sociology at the Turning Point S C Dube
The Concept of Desired Type of Society and the Problems of Social Change I P Desai
Relevance of the Marxist Approach to the Study of Indian Society A R Desai
Social Policy and the Sociologist M S Gore
Problems and Perspectives in the Study of Sociology Y B Damle
Sociology and Social Transformation in India: The Neglect of the Idea of Fraternity Victor S D’Souza
Rural Probings: The Launching Base and the Rockets Brijraj Chauhan
Some Reflections on Sociological Research and Teaching in India A M Shah
Sociology and the Emerging Challenge of Change Yogendra Singh
The Future of Independent India: What Can Sociologists Do? Indra Deva
Conceptualising Nation and Nationality in South Asia T K Oommen
NGOs and Civil Society in India B S Baviskar
Social Policy Concerns in Indian Sociology D N Dhanagare
Sociology for What? Rethinking Sociology in an Era of Transformatory Changes Partha Nath Mukherji
Sociology’s Quest for ‘Society’: An Enquiry into the Current Pursuits and Needed Concerns in the Discipline P K B Nayar
Higher Education in India: A System on the Verge of Chaos Uttam B Bhoite
Development, Polity, and Social Tensions Jacob John Kattakayam
Index.ISBN - 9788132116271

Pages : 360
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