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  Talent IQ: Identify Your Company`s Top Performers; Improve or Remove Underachievers; Boost Productivity and Profit

Talent Iq: Identify Your Company`S Top Performers; Improve Or Remove Underachievers; Boost Productivity And Profit

by Emmett C. Murphy

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 315.00
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Talent is a company’s most valuable -and - scarcest-resource. Today, more than ever, the fate of an organization depends on its ability to recruit, retain, and, when necessary, replace talent. Employees who excel can move a company to greatness. Those whose problematic behavior rivals their potential can undermine an organization. By the same token, the way talent is managed can determine the success or failure of one’s own career. Talent IQ teaches you how to make the most of your team’s talent-from junior support staff to C-level executives. Based on an extensive ten-year study of best practices among 100,000+ TalentLeaders in virtually every type of organizational setting, Talent IQ identifies the concepts, skills, and tools you need to manage effectively. Review "Talent IQ delivers penetrating insight. Emmett knows how to identify your high achievers and how to keep them motivated and focused. And he knows how to help you manage your ‘talent on-the-bubble’ in a way that strengthens your culture while reducing your risk." Warren Bruggeman, Vice President, Nuclear Energy, GE About Author: Emmett C. Murphy is the founder and former chairman and CEO of E.C. Murphy VHA, LLC, the world’s largest business and healthcare alliance specializing in business restructuring and executive development. He has served as faculty and consultant for the Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard School of Medicine, M.I.T.’s Sloan School of Management, Booz-Allen Hamilton, and London University. He serves clients in business, government, and public service including IBM, Chase Manhattan, Hewlett Packard, and the Department of Defense. His books and research have been featured in USA Today and the New York Times and he has appeared on ABC, CBS, CNN, and NPR. He holds a Ph.D. in organizational psychology with postdoctoral studies in organizational development and clinical counseling. ISBN - 9781598690835

Pages : 266
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