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  Santan Kriya 51 Miracles And A Haunting

Santan Kriya 51 Miracles And A Haunting

by Yogi Ashwini

  Price : Rs 500.00
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  A distraught mother sees a steel wire nearly decapitate her teenaged daughter. The doctors are not sure if she would live, but they are sure that even if she does, she would definitely not be able to speak ever again; and yet, today that girl is not only alive and speaking, but is also heard chanting. The doctors can’t believe their ears. “It’s a miracle”, they say…

A woman is exploring a cave in Austria. The ground is slippery and drops away at a steep angle into a nearby gorge. The woman trips… The other tourists in the cave raise an alarm but can do little as they helplessly watch her as she slides along the icy floor towards the bottomless gorge. She closes her eyes and prays for deliverance. She sees the hand of her Guru… She says, “It cant be in my imagination because I held it and it saved my life! My family and friends are a testimony to it.” Those who saw her fall in that cave can’t believe she survived without a scratch. Yet again, “It’s a miracle!” they say….

A Dhyan Foundation publication, Sanatan Kriya 51 Miracles... is their story and the story of 49 others who have been touched by life-changing miracles.

This book is truly unique, for it presents a much nebulous subject of ‘miracles’ in a surprisingly scientific light of Yog. Not only does it share the experiences of 51 regular people in their own words, but also provides real evidence in the form of medical certificates by eminent doctors and institutions corroborating the miraculous nature of events surrounding each story. Events that cannot be dismissed as mere coincidences or surrendered to oblivion as defying explanation. Events that demand attention, for in Yogi Ashwini’s words, “These miracles are not just possible, but it is impossible for them not to happen if you walk on the path of Yog and have the sanidhya of a Guru”.

This book is an open challenge to the non-believer, to the skeptic and proof enough for all those who seek and all those who have been misled into disbelieving. The power and efficacy of Yog is there for each one of us to experience and experience is what this book is all about.

A must-read for the one who does not believe in the power of Yog !

A must-read for the one who does not believe in the nether world and the world of ether!

A challenge for the non-believer! ISBN - 9788190450645

Pages : 200
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