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   Computer Organization and Architecture: From 8085 to core2Duo & beyond (For JNTU)

Computer Organization And Architecture: From 8085 To Core2duo & Beyond (For Jntu)

by Subrata Ghoshal

  Price : Rs 325.00
  Your Price : Rs 266.50
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With the introduction of the 4004 microprocessor by Intel in 1971, a new era of computing power began, which flourished with devices like the 8085 and 8086. PCs became available in the market, their processing power enhanced every time a new processor was available to system designers. The reason behind the introduction of computers from the IBM PC, PC/XT, PC/AT to the latest laptops and think-pads may be attributed to the introduction of processors like the 8088, 80286, 80386, Pentium and Core2Duo. This book deals with external and internal features of these computers, taking into account the control unit (CU), processor details and their instruction sets, memory organization, external interfacing bus with standard input/output devices like the optical mouse or TFT screen, pipelining and parallel processing. Both modern as well as classical concepts are discussed with adequate weightage, and compared as and when necessary.

Salient Features

Examples using familiar Intel Processors like the 8085 or 8086
Both CISC as well as RISC architectures with appropriate examples
Full-length solved examples on complex topics, including ALU design, instruction-set design and CU design, providing clear insight regarding detailed design methodology
Pictorial representation of complex processes, including Booth’s algorithm, for easier and quicker grasp of the subject
Discussions on advanced processors, including the MIPS R4000, Core2Duo, UltraSPARC and PowerPC
One complete chapter on the embedded system, dealing with its architectural specialities

Supplementing the book are:

A project bank consisting of more than 70 projects with hints available online
Pedagogical features such as multiple-choice questions, short questions, brain-teasers and the Quicksand Corner.
A study card to help with last-minute exam preparation!

ISBN - 9788131769034

Pages : 488
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