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  Developments in Physiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants Vol 02

Developments In Physiology, Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Of Plants Vol 02

by Bandana Bose

  Price : Rs 1990.00
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  The Volume 2 of the treatise on the Developments in Physiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants provides additional information in the crucial areas for making precise and applied research in the national context, on the one hand, and to unravel the science, on the other hand. in the earlier volume, the theme of publishing this needful treatise has been already made obvious. However, in view of the experiences and enormous advances in plant science research in the last few decades providing enough insight to scan vital research in this century has, almost certainly, enlightened the path to undertake necessary research projects for the benefit of mankind to which we are indispensably committed. We, the plant physiologists, biochemists, molecular biologists and plant nutritionists must be proud of our support to the worlds farmers which has helped them make their achievement possible. in this century, up to 2025, the human population is expected to double and that is in truth a serious issue for us to trace out the limiting factors reducing yield potentiality of crop plants, on the one hand, and to understand the science of related processes at different levels, alternatively. This principally necessitates for elucidation of dimensions of environmental stresses in relation to crop plants and their genotypes, optimally suitable to prevailing stress conditions. of course, in the last few decades more emphasis was laid in this direction and remarkable progress has been made at the global scale to meet the challenges. Owing to this, distinguished scientists have been consistently reviewing and synchronizing the manifold research and signifying specific research of basic and applied implication in classified segment.

It is delightful to mention that our attempt to sufficiently provide the essential and comprehensive literature to speed up important research in explicit areas of plant sciences has been once again tremendously satisfactory due to exceptional dedication of illustrious Indian scientists in the preparation of this momentous work. This treatise has been ordered with twelve excellent contributions in the form of review articles by thirty well- known Indian workers and academicians. The reviews are relevant to guide for theme oriented research as well as for scientific future planning of research projects. The four applicable sections related to: I. Sustainable Crop Productivity, II. Recent Advances in Plant Metabolism; III. Molecular Physiology of Plants; IV. Environmental Stresses in Plants consist of over twelve meaningful review articles as substantial chapters. Moreover, as promised, prominence has been given to compile extremely important aspects of Stress Physiology. The detailed choice of the contents of the various contributions has been left largely to the individual authors. Doubtless, this book will be of immense help to scientists, teachers and students of almost all disciplines of Agriculture, Botany and BiotechnologyISBN - 9788189422929

Pages : 392
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