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  The Talent Wave: Why Succession Planning Fails and what to Do About It

The Talent Wave: Why Succession Planning Fails And What To Do About It

by David Clutterbuck

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 445.50
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  If Succession Planning Works, How Do the Wrong People So Often Get to the Top?

Succession planning was once the key to identifying potential leaders to fill important positions. However, in today’s rapidly evolving business world traditional succession planning is no longer a viable strategy with research showing that 70 per cent of succession plans fail within two years, simply from lack of management support.

In a climate of growing skills shortages and lack of confidence in leadership potential, David Clutterbuck offers a new a process of dialogue between an organization and its employees,

The Talent Wave presents a dynamic, flexible approach to succession planning and talent management. Clutterbuck first demolishes most accepted practice in these areas, and then presents practical solutions that align employee ambitions and business priorities to ensure that organizations have the right leadership in place for ongoing success.ISBN - 9780749456979

Pages : 248
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