Review : "This book, written by V V Osiko and Yu S Kuz’minov, the well known experts in the area of growth and investigation of crystals, generalises a large amount of experimental and theoretical material for the technology of melting in solidification of high-temperature dielectrics, produced both at the Scientific Centre of Laser Materials and Technologies of the General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and throughout the world. Undoubtedly, the book will be useful to chemical technologies, students of appropriate specialisation, and will help advances in the area of development of new materials and technologies."
- Academician A M Prokhorov, Nobel Prize Laureate
Description: A new method of production of high- temperature dielectric crystals, including cubic zirconia, glasses and melted ceramic materials, is discussed. The method is based on direct induction melting in a cold container. The physical fundamentals of the technology and equipment are described, and the possibilities and advantages of the new technology are indicated. The properties of the produced materials are discussed. Special attention is given to cubic zirconia crystals which cannot be produced by other methods.ISBN - 9788130912349
Pages : 360