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  Pro Web Gadgets: Across iPhone, Android, Windows, Mac, iGoogle and More

Pro Web Gadgets: Across Iphone, Android, Windows, Mac, Igoogle And More

by Sterling Udell

  Price : Rs 499.00
  Your Price : Rs 449.10
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  The miniature web applications known as gadgets (or widgets) are a key component of the distributed web and an ideal way to publish your content far beyond the reach of your own web site. Packaging web content and functionality into a gadget enables it to be seen anywhere from iGoogle to the iPhone—wherever the user may be, on or off the traditional web. Everyone can access your content without having to visit your web site.

This book is a practical guide to building gadgets that will work everywhere, from handheld devices to any site on the web. The core methodology is to develop a single code base that will run on all platforms, multiplying the syndication opportunities for maximum return on your development investment. Extending this approach is a technique of abstracting key API calls from the various gadget platforms into a single interface layer, implemented in the book as a compact JavaScript class, allowing your gadgets full access to every platform`s power without your having to rewrite your code for each.

Learn the key concepts for successfully syndicating web content via gadgets.
Build platform-agnostic gadgets that run on all the major web portals.
Deploy your gadgets to web-enabled handheld devices.

What you’ll learn
You`ll learn how to design a successful web gadget, build it efficiently, and deploy it painlessly to a dozen platforms from a single code base. In the process, your web content will gain far greater exposure than is possible with a traditional web site alone.

Who this book is for
This book is for seasoned web professionals with solid experience in XHTML/CSS and JavaScript who are already building web sites and applications that they want to take to the next level. Server-side programming experience (PHP, ASP, etc.) is beneficial but not required.

Table of Contents

1. Introducing Web Gadgets
2. Designing the Core Gadget
3. Developing for Multiple Platforms
4. Netvibes
5. iGoogle
6. Windows
7. Mac OS X Dashboard
8. Opera
9. Windows Mobile
10. Symbian S60
11. iPhone
12. Android
13. The Future of Web Gadgets ISBN - 9788132201717

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